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The Former Lawyer Podcast

Mar 9, 2020

In Episode 031 of The Former Lawyer Podcast, I’m sharing my conversation with Adam Kol. Adam practiced tax law before leaving to become a couples financial counselor.

In this conversation, Adam shares about:

  • The way that the expectations of others drove him to law school;
  • Quitting his tax lawyer job at Deloitte to spend a year as an animal activist supported by his savings;
  • Working at a non-profit as a lawyer supporting initiatives to combat homelessness;
  • Why he started coaching people as a side hustle;
  • How his life got out of balance and how he identified what needed to change;
  • How getting laid off spurred him to focus on his coaching practice full-time;
  • Stumbling into the niche of couples financial counseling;
  • Seeing his clients’ lives change when they are able to communicate about money and problem-solve regarding their money together;
  • Dealing with loved ones’ disappointment and anger about leaving his legal career;
  • His advice on how to start a conversation about money for lawyers who have a partner and are wanting to make a career change;
  • and much more! 

Show Notes: