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The Former Lawyer Podcast

May 4, 2020

In Episode 039 of The Former Lawyer Podcast, I’m sharing the second half of my conversation with Sarah Rutledge Fischer. (You can listen to part 1 here.)

Sarah is an artist and art teacher. She spent 3 1/2 years in biglaw before left and found her way to her current career as an artist. 

In the second half of our conversation, Sarah shares about:

  • The shame she felt during her biglaw experience;
  • Feeling like there was something fundamentally wrong with her as a person because she wasn’t finding the right fit in her firm;
  • The disturbing parallels between biglaw and abusive interpersonal relationships;
  • The weirdness of working with her firm’s in-house career counselor;
  • The thrill of winning asylum for her pro bono client the day before she left the firm for good;
  • How an unexpected opportunity for her husband convinced them to uproot and move from California to the gulf coast of Alabama, closer to family;
  • Thinking that she would return to the practice of law eventually, and finally admitting to herself that she just didn’t want to;
  • Deciding to pursue a writing career, and how her “shame-based achievement-seeking lawyer hat” worked against her;
  • Why being put in charge of the weekly figure-drawing class she had begun attending was helpful in moving her towards her new career (perhaps not for the reason that you might think); 
  • Her “cartoon hammer on the head” moment when she realized that her art could be her next career;
  • Why she thinks “follow your curiosity” is much better advice than “follow your passion”;
  • How she still has to actively work to combat the grind mentality of biglaw in her life now;
  • Why she works to cultivate compassion for her former self;
  • and much more!

Show Notes: