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The Former Lawyer Podcast

Dec 9, 2019

In Episode 018 of The Former Lawyer Podcast, Sarah talks with Marissa Geannette. Marissa walked away from a successful biglaw career after nearly eight years, and now works as a freelance writer and blogs on her site, The Unbillable Life.

In this conversation, Marissa shares about:

  • Why she started blogging after leaving biglaw, but kept the blog anonymous at first;
  • Why she no longer blogs anonymously (you can read her blog post about it here);
  • How she just sort of fell into her practice area;
  • Why she started thinking about leaving the law after only one year of practice, but stayed for over 6 more years after that point;
  • How preoccupied she was with what people would think if she left legal practice;
  • Why she doesn’t think you need to know what you want to do next in order to leave the law;
  • How she started getting freelance writing jobs;
  • What led her to write a book for junior associates;
  • Why she wishes she had been more open about how unhappy she was working in biglaw before she left;
  • What held her back from leaving the law, and why she doesn’t want you to make the same mistake;
  • and much more!

Show Notes: