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The Former Lawyer Podcast

Jun 27, 2022

As you know, on the Former Lawyer Podcast, I share advice and strategies for aspiring former lawyers. And, I do interviews with former lawyers who have left the law behind to find careers and lives that they love. 

Today, I want to talk about whether or not I think everyone should leave the law. Now, that might sound...

Jun 20, 2022

Today, I'm sharing my conversation with Karen Spencer. Karen is a former lawyer who responded to my requests for guests who had experience in patent law. Karen has an interesting background, coming to the legal profession from engineering. First, she wanted to work in general commercial law but ended up in patent law....

Jun 13, 2022

Today I'm sharing a bit from my conversation with Annie Little, a former lawyer turned coach for lawyers. I had spoken to her before for the podcast. But, I wanted to talk to her again because she has recently been diagnosed with ADHD.

This is something that I wanted to talk about but didn’t have my own experience...

Jun 6, 2022

Today, I am sharing my conversation with David Sparks. David practiced law for close to 30 years and he has only recently left his job in the law to focus on his side hustle, MacSparky. 

In our conversation, we spoke about many different things including what he has found surprising about leaving the law, some of the...