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The Former Lawyer Podcast

Nov 27, 2023

On today’s podcast episode, Sarah is chatting with Heather Davies, another former lawyer.

Heather’s new career as a professional organizer is something that many listeners have messaged Sarah about, so they chat about her journey to become a lawyer and what led to her transition to a professional organizer.

See show...

Nov 20, 2023

For this Thanksgiving week podcast, Sarah is sharing the three reasons why she’s grateful she made the choice to stop practicing law. Many lawyers who are considering making a change spend so much time thinking about everything that could go wrong.

It’s a big decision, but it’s also really important to think about...

Nov 13, 2023

Today’s episode covers a statement that Sarah often hears from lawyers who want to do something other than legal work. People say, “I’m not just lazy,” “I’m not lazy,” or “It’s not that I don’t want to work.”

Only people who decide to become lawyers have this internal narrative that they are...

Nov 6, 2023

Many people who listen to this podcast or reach out to work with Sarah have the question, “Does working as a lawyer give you anxiety or depression?” This podcast covers mental health and the subject of anxiety a lot, and Sarah has talked a lot about being diagnosed with generalized anxiety and a panic...