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The Former Lawyer Podcast

Nov 28, 2022

Kicking off a new podcast series, The After Series

The new series will help unhappy lawyers who are hesitant to quit their soul-sucking jobs for fear of what comes next or because of uncertainty see that quitting to follow their passion makes things better than before. 

Why the After Series is Important

Sarah notes...

Nov 21, 2022

This episode features Greg Jacobs, who has successfully transitioned from the law into the technology industry as a data scientist after 14 years of practice. 

In this conversation, Sarah talks to Greg about the approach he used to move into a job that many lawyers are potentially thinking about without fully...

Nov 14, 2022

In this episode, Sarah talks about lawyers and former lawyers struggling with the decision to transition out of the law for fear of missing out or underachieving in their new field. These lawyers think that those who are practicing are more “successful.”

Here, you will learn how to overcome the fear of failing and...

Nov 7, 2022

First things first. You are totally justified in thinking coaching is a scam. Why is that? Because in the great big online world, there are a ton of “coaches” and coaching programs out there that are straight-up scams. 

That certainly doesn’t mean that all coaching is a scam. However, many people who present...